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ÖRAV Talks May 2021: Jilber Barutçiyan

The Teachers Academy Foundation continues to share the interesting stories of professionals from different fields with educators in the traditional and stimulating "ÖRAV Talks". This month's guest for the program that has been running for 6 years now is Jilber Barutçiyan, Turkey's only internationally certified mushroom expert (mycologist).

For almost thirty years Barutçiyan has participated in various courses, seminars and field activities on mushrooms, which are very nutritious and have a great place in world cuisine. In 2006, he received the diploma of the Swiss Association of Mushroom Experts (VAPKO), of which he is a member, and is the only holder of this diploma outside Switzerland. In Turkey, the mycologist studied the forests of Belgrade, Polonezköy and Şile in Istanbul, the plateau of Giresun, the Thracian forests, the Taurus Mountains in the Mediterranean region, the Bolu Mountains and the Kaz Mountains. He compiled these studies and the mushroom photographs he took in his 2012 book Türkiye'nin Mantarları (Mushrooms of Turkey). Barutçiyan organized French-Turkish seminars and courses on mushrooms while in Turkey and continues to study mushrooms today.

The live broadcast, in which Barutçiyan opens the door to the little-known world of mushrooms and shares his experiences, from the dizzyingly rich mushroom flora of Turkey to the prevention of mushroom poisoning and the commercial potential of our mushrooms, will be available to all via ÖRAV's YouTube channel on May 27.

Date: 27.05.2021

Time: 17:00

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