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5 Stones Social and Financial Leadership Program hosted Aslı Başarar!

We continue to meet with participating teachers, students and parents of our training program 5 Stones Social and Financial Leadership, which we run in collaboration with Garanti BBVA, through Expert Meetings.

As part of the program, which consists of five themes (Personal Understanding and Discovery, Rights and Responsibilities, Savings and Spending Awareness, Planning and Budgeting, Social and Financial Initiative), we host an expert each month.

Our guest shares his or her knowledge and opinion on the topic of the month and helps raise awareness of the topic among program participants.

For the 5 Stones Expert Meeting in March Aslı Başarar from Garanti BBVA Emeklilik Client Asset Management was our guest as part of our Planning and Budgeting theme. We would like to thank her and all our expert guests once again for their contribution.

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