Program Objectives
Our seas, which make our country a peninsula, provide not only natural beauty but also some environmental riches and economic advantages. One of the riches we possess as a country is biological diversity.
Biological diversity constitutes significant parameters of sustainable development with its genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity elements. We observe that biodiversity, which is an indicator of the ability to sustain the life support process necessary for the well-being of humanity and a healthy environment, is under some risks and threats today. We have the responsibility to protect this biodiversity, which is so important for the well-being of humanity and transfer it to future generations.
As the Teachers Academy Foundation, we aim to contribute to the "MARIAS” project run by UNDP Turkey and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Nature Conservation and National Parks General Directorate, in collaboration with "Marine Biodiversity Conservation Education" to increase awareness about the risks, threats, and measures that can be taken related to invasive alien species in marine environments.
If you also say, "I am also here to protect our seas and riches," we expect you to apply for this program.
Throughout the program, the following topics will be covered:
- Nature, biodiversity, and ecosystems
- The importance and conservation of marine biodiversity
- Risks, threats, and measures related to marine biodiversity
- Invasive alien species in marine environments and their features
- Risks, threats, and measures related to invasive alien species in marine environments
- Social, environmental, and economic impacts of invasive alien species in marine environments
- Sustainable Development Goals and AICHI Biodiversity Targets
- Fighting against invasive alien species in marine environments
Creating an action plan
Who Can Participate in the Program?
Teachers working at primary and secondary school levels in Balıkesir (Marmara and Ayvalık districts), Kırklareli (Demirköy and Vize districts), and Hatay (Samandağ district) provinces in state schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education can apply to the program.
Duration and Schedule
Marine Biodiversity Conservation Education is designed in a synchronous and asynchronous structure. Colleagues who participate in the training can benefit from the training that will be open for 6 days according to their progress plans. Classroom applications, implementation of additional materials, and follow-up activities will take place within the scope of the project's activities after the training.
Certificate of Participation
Participants who complete the training can access the MEB Seminar Certificate digitally from their personal MEBBIS pages.
Learning Platform
Training will be conducted on the Teachers Academy Foundation's e-learning platform eKampüs at www.ekampus.orav.org.tr.
The Applications can be made through the Ministry of National Education Information System. This program can be offered in multiple groups simultaneously and with different activity numbers on MEBBİS. When applying, if the specified quota and number of applications are already filled, it will be easier for you to participate in different groups with different activity numbers that are planned for the same date.
For your questions and support needs, you can send an email to [email protected]
This training is designed and made accessible within the scope of the project "Assessment of Threats of Invasive Alien Species in Important Marine Biological Diversity Areas" carried out with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) by the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.